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1月6日上午 福州




王海忠,中山大学品牌战略管理教授、博导;市场营销学科带头人;中国品牌研究中心(CBC)主任。他从消费者个体和群体认知两个层面研究品牌战略问题,研究成果服务于企业的品牌战略和中国政府的“中国制造”品牌战略。现担任中国《营销科学学报》联合主编(清华、北大合办)、中国管理现代化研究会营销管理专业委员会副主任委员、中国高校市场学研究会副会长。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目一项、国家教育部重大课题攻关项目一项、国家自然科学基金一般项目多项。他以第一作者身份在国际知名期刊Journal of Consumer Psychology(管理学科全球50本FT期刊)、Journal of Academy of Marketing Science (管理学科全球50本FT期刊)以及国内权威期刊《管理世界》、《管理科学学报》等发表论文多篇。出版《高级品牌管理》、《重构世界品牌版图》等多部专著。担任国家工信部“工业企业品牌培育专家委员会”成员;国家质检总局首席质量官《品牌管理》主讲教授。理论研究成果获得国家商务部、广东省人民政府等政府奖励。他在自主品牌战略、“中国制造”品牌等方面的观点,被人民日报、新华社、中央电视台、国际彭博社等权威媒体引用或转载。

Professor Haizhong Wang is the Chair Professor of Marketing and the Director of China Brand Centre, Sun Yat-Sen Business School, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China. As a leading scholar in the field of strategic brand management, he integrates the approaches and philosophies of consumer behavior into brand strategies, and his research territory is built upon two pillars, namely, the product or corporate brand and the country or the made in brand. Prof. Wang has published numerous influential papers in top tier Chinese (e.g., Economy Research Journal, The Management World, Journal of Management Science in China, etc.) and international (e.g., Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, etc.) journals. Prof. Wang has won several key research grants awarded by the Nature Science Foundation of China, The Ministry of Education of China, etc. He is currently the Co-Editor of Journal of Marketing Science, which represent the biggest and the most influential marketing community in China, including one journal and one annual conference with a doctoral colloquium.


【时       间】2020年1月6日上午8:30--11:30

【地       点】beat365亚洲版官网beat365手机版官方网站正规MBA中心大楼一层国际学术报告厅



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